10) Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 3
Ooooo yeh, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-dooooo, BABY, BABY,.. erm excuse me. Persona 3 is the best title in the SMT franchise by far as it eliminates the frustrating difficulty of DDS and Nocturne and delivers an all together more solid, engrossing and stronger experience. In the game you as a normal schoolkid must deal with everyday trials an tribulations such as eating ramen and going on dates and combine it with monster slaying in a dungeon at night. It's a unique experience and one that must be played. P.S. Please note I have not played Persona 4 yet (no UK release till next month!).
9) The Witcher
CD Projects "The Witcher" is an intriguing game, it's the most dialogue heavy title on this list and features content on par with Bloodlines in terms of how adult it is (albeit with more nipples). In The Witcher you play Geralt a relatively badass monster slayer who hacks monsters to death, does jobs for money all set to the background of a war based on racism. The Witcher's strength comes from the impact of your decisions most of all, think Fallout 3 had big consequences to your actions? Well The Witcher has more. Oh and you cant collect pornographic playing cards in Fallout III either, score for The Witcher! (disclaimer for those who might actually buy the game based on the playing card joke.. its not in the US version of the game).
8 ) Mass Effect
While we all letch over the Mass Effect 2 trailer, and contemplate what has actually happened to Shepherd, I give you this the only really, really, really good western RPG so far this gen. Mass Effect and seeing as everyone pretty much knows about this title and has probably been played by more of you than any other game on this list thats all I'm going to say. Lets hope ME II arrives this year.
7) Final Fantasy XII
Yes, yes you've probably skimmed ahead and seen FF-X2 is missing from my list this year? But what about the brilliant combat system in X-2? What about how we all totally loved the Charlies Angel vibe? What if Rikku and Paine really did get it on? I hear you all cry simultaneously in unison! Well I'm afraid XII makes it ahead of them because it's just a lot better game. Yes Vaan may be a t** but the games combat system, addictive gameplay and huge amount of things to do win it's place in 09's top ten. Best FF game ever? Yes without a doubt.
KOTOR takes the Star Wars universe and makes it a lot better than the films (*gasp* I said it), I enjoy the story of the main protagonist (I cant say anything more, zomg massive spoilers!) more than the hero or heroine of any movie or film ever made. The combat is a little clunky, and the game does fall flat in terms of repeatativeness from time to time, but the steller storyline, brilliant cast, and the fact for me its the highest point of one of the greatest franchises ever means it still wins through. *makes lightsaber noises repeatedly*
5) Jade Empire
Last years number two slips down a peg for the main reason I think I may go insane if I replay it again, showing it lacks the lastability of Bloodlines or Baldurs Gate. The real time combat remains the best real time combat in any RPG, the storyline still lacks but the characters and interactions between the cast more than make up for it. Ive never mentioned it before but this game also has some of the best sidequests in a video game too, all of which I really enjoyed. So remember boys and girls, lesbian ninjas still kick ass in 2009!
4) Lost Odyssey
People often ask me why I love Lost Odyssey so much and my usual response is "Other than Seth?", but in all seriousness I loved this title. For me JRPG's often lack impact and me actually caring about the cast but this title made me cry, made me happy, made me exhilirated and for once had mature characters I found more relatable than the usual angsty gits who heads the genre. It's a bit old school yes, but it puts a fresh face on JRPGs and storytelling for a new generation of consoles and gamers.
3) Vampire The Masquerade; Bloodlines
This gets a higher entry as I'm currently replaying this title and loving it just as much after all these years. Bloodlines sees you taking the role of a member of one of many vampire clans and after your sire is killed, left in a cruel, dark world to fend for yourself. Fortunately your fully capable of tackling the myriad of vampires, lycans, demons and other monstrosities that face you and all just in time to persuade a human to let you give them a special kiss. The games dialogue and characters are it's key strengths with probably the best written scripts in any game, ever. Period. So if you want to shotgun rogue vampires in the face, be the one that all people of both genders fall in love with, and have a penchant for great roleplaying, get this (its now on Steam for cheap too!)
2) Shadow Hearts: Covenant
This was way higher up my list the last time I did this about a year or so ago. However now I have played through the saga properly, and am currently playing the third installment it's really hit home how good this title is. The ring system makes for exciting battles based on skill, the characters are the strongest bunch to ever grace an RPG and the story is one of the best out there. The way this, the second game in the series hooks into the first game in such a good way makes this all the more satisfying experience too. Again please buy it before the price on ebay soars even higher.
1) Baldurs Gate II
"Oh Michelle your so predictable!" I hear you cry, yes, yes I am my dear readers, Baldurs Gate II still remains to this day the best single greatest roleplaying experience of all time. I urge anyone who hasn't played it to get a copy of it and play it now. You really are missing out on a title that has stood the test of time and outdoes all other RPG's by a large margin.
Sumber : http://www.gamespot.com
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