Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

Top 10 RPG's 2009 Edition

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10) Shin Megami Tensei : Persona 3

Ooooo yeh, do-do-do-do-do-do-do-dooooo, BABY, BABY,.. erm excuse me. Persona 3 is the best title in the SMT franchise by far as it eliminates the frustrating difficulty of DDS and Nocturne and delivers an all together more solid, engrossing and stronger experience. In the game you as a normal schoolkid must deal with everyday trials an tribulations such as eating ramen and going on dates and combine it with monster slaying in a dungeon at night. It's a unique experience and one that must be played. P.S. Please note I have not played Persona 4 yet (no UK release till next month!).

9) The Witcher

CD Projects "The Witcher" is an intriguing game, it's the most dialogue heavy title on this list and features content on par with Bloodlines in terms of how adult it is (albeit with more nipples). In The Witcher you play Geralt a relatively badass monster slayer who hacks monsters to death, does jobs for money all set to the background of a war based on racism. The Witcher's strength comes from the impact of your decisions most of all, think Fallout 3 had big consequences to your actions? Well The Witcher has more. Oh and you cant collect pornographic playing cards in Fallout III either, score for The Witcher! (disclaimer for those who might actually buy the game based on the playing card joke.. its not in the US version of the game).

8 ) Mass Effect

While we all letch over the Mass Effect 2 trailer, and contemplate what has actually happened to Shepherd, I give you this the only really, really, really good western RPG so far this gen. Mass Effect and seeing as everyone pretty much knows about this title and has probably been played by more of you than any other game on this list thats all I'm going to say. Lets hope ME II arrives this year.

7) Final Fantasy XII

Yes, yes you've probably skimmed ahead and seen FF-X2 is missing from my list this year? But what about the brilliant combat system in X-2? What about how we all totally loved the Charlies Angel vibe? What if Rikku and Paine really did get it on? I hear you all cry simultaneously in unison! Well I'm afraid XII makes it ahead of them because it's just a lot better game. Yes Vaan may be a t** but the games combat system, addictive gameplay and huge amount of things to do win it's place in 09's top ten. Best FF game ever? Yes without a doubt.


KOTOR takes the Star Wars universe and makes it a lot better than the films (*gasp* I said it), I enjoy the story of the main protagonist (I cant say anything more, zomg massive spoilers!) more than the hero or heroine of any movie or film ever made. The combat is a little clunky, and the game does fall flat in terms of repeatativeness from time to time, but the steller storyline, brilliant cast, and the fact for me its the highest point of one of the greatest franchises ever means it still wins through. *makes lightsaber noises repeatedly*

5) Jade Empire

Last years number two slips down a peg for the main reason I think I may go insane if I replay it again, showing it lacks the lastability of Bloodlines or Baldurs Gate. The real time combat remains the best real time combat in any RPG, the storyline still lacks but the characters and interactions between the cast more than make up for it. Ive never mentioned it before but this game also has some of the best sidequests in a video game too, all of which I really enjoyed. So remember boys and girls, lesbian ninjas still kick ass in 2009!

4) Lost Odyssey

People often ask me why I love Lost Odyssey so much and my usual response is "Other than Seth?", but in all seriousness I loved this title. For me JRPG's often lack impact and me actually caring about the cast but this title made me cry, made me happy, made me exhilirated and for once had mature characters I found more relatable than the usual angsty gits who heads the genre. It's a bit old school yes, but it puts a fresh face on JRPGs and storytelling for a new generation of consoles and gamers.

3) Vampire The Masquerade; Bloodlines

This gets a higher entry as I'm currently replaying this title and loving it just as much after all these years. Bloodlines sees you taking the role of a member of one of many vampire clans and after your sire is killed, left in a cruel, dark world to fend for yourself. Fortunately your fully capable of tackling the myriad of vampires, lycans, demons and other monstrosities that face you and all just in time to persuade a human to let you give them a special kiss. The games dialogue and characters are it's key strengths with probably the best written scripts in any game, ever. Period. So if you want to shotgun rogue vampires in the face, be the one that all people of both genders fall in love with, and have a penchant for great roleplaying, get this (its now on Steam for cheap too!)

2) Shadow Hearts: Covenant

This was way higher up my list the last time I did this about a year or so ago. However now I have played through the saga properly, and am currently playing the third installment it's really hit home how good this title is. The ring system makes for exciting battles based on skill, the characters are the strongest bunch to ever grace an RPG and the story is one of the best out there. The way this, the second game in the series hooks into the first game in such a good way makes this all the more satisfying experience too. Again please buy it before the price on ebay soars even higher.

1) Baldurs Gate II

"Oh Michelle your so predictable!" I hear you cry, yes, yes I am my dear readers, Baldurs Gate II still remains to this day the best single greatest roleplaying experience of all time. I urge anyone who hasn't played it to get a copy of it and play it now. You really are missing out on a title that has stood the test of time and outdoes all other RPG's by a large margin.

Sumber : http://www.gamespot.com

Top 5 Linux Games for 2009

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linux_gamesAs we go about “realizing” our New Year’s resolutions were maybe just a bit too stringent, I’m going review the top five games in Linux. Once the great downfall of the platform, gaming can now only be considered a strength, in the hopes you take up this guilty pleasure and wait for 2010 before you give up on gaming. May I present the premier Linux gaming software with the best from each genre.

Tremulous (Shooter)
This FPS (first-person shooter) game is portable on all main operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac) and is built using the Quake engine.
Players choose between two races: aliens and humans. Both have their own unique strengths and weaknesses, and both are opposing teams tremulous2on the same map. Whilst uncommon for an FPS, Tremulous allows you to build working structures that serve many functions, the most important being “respawning,” whereby if a player is killed, he reappears at a respawn site. Kills for your race earn you credits. For humans, this means better weapons or upgrades; for aliens, kills enable them to evolve into more powerful beings, the most powerful being the “Tyrant”. The objective behind the game is to not only kill all players of the opposing team (i.e. race) but also to destroy their “respawning” site(s), so that they can’t reappear. With an average of 400 users online at a time, there won’t be a moment left in the day to regret the amount of time you spent playing.

According to SourceForge statistics the game has been downloaded over 1,000,000 times as of 16/10/2008. It was also voted Player’s Choice Standalone Game Of The Year in the Mod Of The Year 2006 competition.
Like all great software, it’s open source and can be readily made available to you from the follow link: http://tremulous.net/

Sauerbraten (Shooter)
sauerbraten3Meaning “roast meat” in German, this C++ written FPS runs on the main operating systems (Windows, Macs and Linux) and is built using the rendering engine Cube 2, for those of you who aren’t keen followers of the Quake movement (as with Tremulous). The main distinction to make between Tremulous and Sauerbraten is the ability to edit the geometry of the map ingame. Coupled with an emphasis on 6-directional gameplay, this dynamic is going to keep you hooked. It supports both Singleplayer and Multiplayer modes, and the latter of the two offers three possible gameplays: Deathmatch, Last Man Standing, and Capture (whereby teams fight over certain areas of the map). For the Singleplayer mode, there is plenty to keep you busy, unlike in Tremulous. You have the option to play scenarios split into episodes, Deathmatches with bots ganging up on you, and the game even goes so far as to provide levels where you can fight in slow-motion.

MacWorld UK gave it four out of five stars, whereas Games For Windows: The Official Magazine mentioned it in Issue 3 with the reference “perfect for both stingy and creative gamers alike.” But now for an organization whose opinion matters… Phoronix, a purely Linux-orientated hardware and software reviews gave it a positive rating due to “several enchancements to its underlying “Cube 2″ engine”.

Like all great software, it’s open source and can be readily made available to you from the follow link: http://sauerbraten.org/

Warzone 2100 (Strategy)
warzone_2100If you liked StarCraft, you’ll love this. The “3-D cross-platform real-time strategy” denotation doesn’t do justice to this once-proprietary program. This game is highly customizable, allowing everything from a wide array of camera angles, to the ability to customize drive systems (e.g. wheels/track) of your units. Warzone 2100 follows an episodic gameplay structure, following a sequence of scenerios whereby you have a time limit to complete the objectives stated using construction, upgrading, recruitment, etc. for the availability of the manpower required for the task. The latest stable version was released January 12, 2009.

Warzone 2100, once developed for the PlayStation (rating of 76%) and Windows, is now praised by the likes of IGN and Gamespot, which had the following to say about the game:
“Warzone 2100’s highly navigatable 3D engine, unique campaign structure, and multiplayer gameplay should please most real-time strategy fans”.

Like all great software, it’s open source and can be readily made available to you from the follow link: http://wz2100.net/

Glest (Strategy)
glestThis Spanish game, developed using Glest Advanced Engine, is basically a cross between Tremulous and Warzone 2100. It imitates the 3-D, real-time strategy idea of Warzone 2100 but with a medieval theme. It mimics Tremulous in that there are two opposing factions, Magic and Tech, both with their own strengths and weaknesses, both fighting each other on the same map. The Tech team is composed of conventional warriors with medieval weapons at their disposals, with their own unique set of units, buildings and upgrades. The Magic team is targeted at more experienced users where most of their army is “morphed” or “summoned.” Whilst lacking close combat skill, it makes up for it in brute power and versatility. For those of you who loved StarCraft on Windows – this is the game for you.

Like all great software, it’s open source and can be readily made available to you from the follow link: http://glest.wikia.com/wiki/GetGlest

SuperTux (Retro)
supertux-030-4For those among us who miss hearing the upbeat music of Level 1 SuperMario, may I present SuperTux. It’s the classic side-scrolling adventure game we all played in our childhood, only now, instead of Mario you have “Tux”, the penguin mascot of Linux. With “Penny” captured by bad guys, it’s up to Tux to rescue her.

Receiving Game Of The Month award by HappyPenguin.Org when it first came out, SuperTux went on to celebrate eight version updates and the SuperTux Development Team and Blizzard Entertainment are eagerly working to bring you Supertux 2. The beta release reiteration of SuperTux really brings back memories of SuperMario with multiple “Worlds”, a variety of monsters and a complimentary, childlike plot.


My Current Top 5 RTS's

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Ok, well over the last year or so I've been all about RTS's. Gaming seems to go with one genre for a few years, for the longest time I can remember PC gaming was all about FPS's with Quake, Doom, Unreal Tournament and Call of Duty, but recentally its been all about RTS's. So here's my list of most played and most loved RTS games.

5. Starcraft

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Now this dosn't go very high on my list for a number of reasons. Back in the day when this launched, and even with the launch of Brood War I never played SC. I'd heard of it but was too busy in FPS's and any RTS game I played was one of the many C&C games from Westwood. But with the recent anoucement of SC2, and the hype arround it I deceded to download SC and Brood War from the Blizzard store and have been playing through the single player. This was where I discovered that I'm really not about the single player RTS experiance anymore. While the single player missions where pretty good, pretty hard and long with the story being told with cut scenes and ingame voice over aswell as the breifing room I really just didn't care all that much and just wanted to see what crazy shit I could build. I tried the skirmish to try and check out the tech tree of each race, and it just was impossible for a n00b SC player to get anywhere as the AI will apprentally only attack you, and rush you at the soonest possible moment, which ends up being a very frustrating experiance. I've not played it online becasue without any friends that play it, I cant imagin I will do much better.

4. Command & Conqure 2: Tiberan Sun

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This is again a pretty old game, but is one of the best RTS's out there, this shows off what Westwood could really do. Not only did they build on C&C1 they added countless new units and structures and the graphial jump was huge (although granted it was relised along time after C&C1). Its maps where huge and had bigger battles that alot of current RTS's have. Its one of the best looking 2D RTS's to date.

3. Dawn of War

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Ok, I'm not a fan of DoW2 but DoW is one of the most fun RTS's out there. Its mechianic of capturing nodes was pretty fun and can be very fast paced. It also had a very low camera which meant it was very easy to micro manage huge forces in intence battles. Its also one of the best games to use races from Games Workshop which when I was a lad was all I cared about (sisters of battle hell yeah!). It even had an army painter which allowed you to make your side have the most repulsive battle colours, which was really... very cool.

2. Demigod

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This game rocks. It would be number one if it had more support. Yeah I know thats a little unfair as its a brand new IP from a company with a small gaming history but thats just how it is. This took the idea of DoTA and made it AWSOME. Every game is like an entire game of Diablo, but with co-op. AWSOME! I also love the fact that the game comes DRM free, and then when I got the Retail and download version of the game I got 2 serial keys so I can give it to a friend if I wanted! And I've not even mentioned the best bit... you can play as a massive upgradable castle with legs that can absorb buildings and thats armed with a massive hammer of dsetruction, a catapult, a light tower and a shoulder full of archers!..... AWSOME!

1. Red Alert 3

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At first, I didn't like RA3 at all, infact I hated it and I hated EA for killing Westwood studios. But, the more and more I played it online co-op or 'deathmatches' the more I loved it. You really have to let it grown on you before you'll get it, and even more so if you liked RA2 (which I did, alot). EA and whats left of Westwood really have taken Red Alert where it needed to go, and instead of it being a C&C3 clone with diffrent units its a totally diffrent game thats heavily focused on the micro and small scale battles. But, if your handly with your reasouse managment you can still achive massive armies. Not only this but EA actually seem to give a shit about support, which from what I can tell, is a 1st! Who knows what the future brings for RA3, all I know is they keep making it more and more ballanced and keep on updating the C&C site, which is all good as far as I'm consered.

Sumber : http://www.politicalmachine.com

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

LG Viewty KU990 review

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Rata Penuh
The Viewty KU-990 is a 5.0 megapixel candybar camera phone from LG which is feature-filled and has full touchscreen capability, HSDPA 3.5G and a flurry of features.

The Viewty is covered in two-tone material with black plastic material and silver etchings. The form factor is a candybar design, and despite all we have heard about big phones, the Viewty is ergonomical and lightweight.
The faceplate is a 262K TFT colour 3-inch display covering the front of the phone. The three buttons on the front of the phone are the call and end buttons. Meanwhile the cancel button is between the two. The faceplate is the typical easily soiled/smudged material but LG decided to give a complimentary screen cover to counter this problem.

On the right spine of the phone, the KU 990 has digital camera functions, where there is a dial to push between photo, video and gallery options. The camera shutter button is here too, as well as the hardware lock/unlock key, which doubles as the camera's image stabilizer.

The left spine has the universal port, which has a sliding protective cover for the port to keep out any unwanted breakfast chunks.

Its HSDPA feature, made this phone an instant hit in the mobile phone market. Like its close competitiors /o2/ and Apple, this phone carries superb music and video streaming features. This is possible because HSDPA technology allows this phone to have higher data transfer capacity at faster rates than other 3G phones out in the market. In addition to these features, you can experience better viewing because of its wide LCD display.

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

HPK dan Keyword Paling Populer dan Terlaris Kategori IT 26

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Connectivity, Firewalls, General-purpose gates, Human vices, Information superhighway, Internet gateways, Internet security, IP datagrams, National information infrastructure, Protocol suite, Proxy servers, Risks, Screening routers, Specialized gates, Trustworthiness, WAN, Benchmark comparisons, Capability Maturity Model, Company performance, Company practices, Industry software, Productivity levels, Qualitative benchmarks, Quality levels, Quantitative data collection, Relative performance, Software benchmarking, Software Engineering Institute



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